Clone of BEHAVE 2020-2021: 6th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency
BEHAVE 2020-2021 is the 6th version of the biannual EnR event that focuses on the application of behavioural insights in energy efficiency.
As an important conference for national energy agencies in Europe, BEHAVE provides a unique forum for policymakers, academia, industry and practitioners to share ideas and experiences in promoting effective solutions for energy efficiency improvements and climate mitigation.
BEHAVE 2020-2021 will include plenary sessions and parallel sessions. The conference will produce two publications:
- Conference proceedings will consist of accepted abstracts and be released during the conference;
- A special issue in the journal Energy Policy, which will consist of invited papers based on screening of the accepted abstracts.
The BEHAVE 2018 held in Zurich received 200 abstracts and attracted 330 participants. BEHAVE 2020-2021 is expected to make another record high in participants and another three days of exciting discussions and networking.