
The Initiative

The Initiative

Heating, cooling and hot water represent 60 per cent of energy demand in buildings. As the majority of this energy is supplied by fossil fuels, there is an urgent need to reduce demand – through building and appliance efficiency improvements – and to shift to efficient and low-carbon sources consistent with global climate and energy ambitions.

Cities provide the population density, economic activity and intellectual capacity for change at scale. They contain over half of the world’s population, consume over two-thirds of the world’s energy and account for more than 70 per cent of CO2 emissions. Cities can help meet their energy efficiency, zero energy building and renewable energy objectives by using modern district energy.

Many cities are prioritizing modern district energy. In 2016, during the Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador, 197 nations adopted the New Urban Agenda, which recognizes modern district energy systems as a key solution to integrating renewables and energy efficiency in cities.

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