International Energy and Investment Days
The International Energy and Investments Days held in Novi Sad from 27th to 28th February presented a unique opportunity to introduce companies, local governments, agencies and associations during the two day programme in Congress and Exhibition part, along with the prospect of establishing direct and substantial contacts with visitors and participants of this meeting.
Two District Energy in Cities experts were present with partner Optit at the conference to present the Initiative and the progress of its project in Belgrade and participate as panelists. Learn more about their contribution here.
The International Energy and Investments Days, is aimed at:
- Encouraging business contacts and co-operation between all the relevant stakeholders in the field of energy, investment, construction and local development sectors in Serbia and the Region
- Informing potential investors about the investment projects and stimulating higher investment in these fields
- Presenting advanced technologies as well as forms of financing energy, infrastructure and construction projects
- Positioning the topic of climate change within public awareness, as one of the most significant topics at the present day, in which inventive and responsible companies are playing tremendous role
- Motivating the media, as they represent the crucial and logical partners for continuing support and spreading the awareness about the necessity of more energy efficient consumption, altering renewable energy sources and environmental protection
- Gathering the most prominent leaders and experts, that will together make a contribution to higher quality work on prevailing topics such as energy, energy efficiency, funding opportunities, building construction industry and climate change
Panel: Green Finance Mechanisms
Representative of Ministry of Mining and Energy Mr Aleksandar Puljevic:
- Funds: 510 million RSD total
- 325 million RSD available for tenders
- Financing of technical support is possible
- Energy manager is a must
- City municipalities can also apply for funding which was not the case earlier
- To be environmentally friendly, documentation can be submitted by email
Bonnie Norman, E3 International:
- Idea is to blend public and private financial sources is a (quasi) bank institution;
- Technical assistance is also necessary, not only throwing money at the problem
- It takes 24-30 months to establish a finance mechanism
- Leverage is the main word – small funds can be used to attract bigger funding
- Perception of risk needs to change
Robert Russo, EBRD WEBSEFF program:
- A lot of money is available, but it’s difficult to convince banks of the multiple benefits of green and climate finance
- WEBSEFF can provide 117 Mil EUR plus financial incentives and technical assistance
- Loans can be made up to 2 million for private and 2.5 million for public sector
- EBRD does the whole work, technical, financial, risk assessment
- 182 projects through WEBSEFF in Serbia, only 40 in Vojvodina
Hao Wang, Global Energy Interconnection (GEI)
- Energy production and consumption side
- Smart grid + UHV grid + clean energy = modern energy system
- Land use is reduced with this technology
- China built 22 ultra-high voltage projects with installed capacity of hydro wind and solar power, rank 1st in the world
- GEI has 603 members, 3 of those in Serbia
- GEI incorporated in UN 2030 agenda
- European Energy interconnection this year to be released together with Unesco
- GEI has vision until 2050