
Launch of “National District Cooling Potential Study for India” and “Market Assessment for Super-Efficient Air-Conditioner”

EESL has enabled consumers, industries, governments to effectively manage energy needs through efficient technologies across various sectors such as lighting, buildings, agriculture etc. On similar lines, EESL aims to transform the cooling sector by introducing various programmes such as Super-Efficient Air-conditioner program (SEAP) and Trigeneration and District Cooling through the District Energy in Cities Initiative. Under SEAP, EESL made available to the common consumer RAC’s with 5.4 ISEER rating and with low GWP refrigerant at affordable prices. In district cooling and trigeneration, EESL is preparing investments in numerous city-led and industrial projects.

Following its vision of transforming the landscape of various technologies and recognizing India’s efforts towards a low emission-economy, EESL set out to study the AC sector and district cooling sector comprehensively from the point of assessing the overall potential, evaluating barriers and policy frameworks, evaluating business models and an EESL model for upscaling these in the country. Two comprehensive reports have been prepared:

“Market Assessment for Super-Efficient Air-Conditioner” as part of the project “Creating & Sustaining Markets for Energy Efficiency” supported by EESL and with the Global Environment facility (GEF) together with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). Under the market assessment study extensive literature review along with stakeholder consultations were carried out to capture national and international trends on RAC efficiency, refrigerant use and standard labelling programs. The market assessment report provides a comprehensive overview of trends in Indian and global RAC market. The report covers the barriers and its mitigation measures in the uptake of super-efficient air conditioners. The report also captures various financing mechanisms / business models for promoting super-efficient AC programs.

“National district cooling potential study in India” as part of the GEF funded District Energy in Cities Initiative which is led globally by UNEP and coordinated by EESL in India. This provides an estimate on the potential for district cooling in India, an assessment on technologies, existing barriers and favorable business models. The report also recommends a set of concrete policy, technology and financing intervention for various stakeholders for faster adoption of district cooling systems in India.

To officially launch these reports, a web conference is planned with the principal stakeholders and associated bodies as per the agenda given on next page. We look forward to your participation in this launch event.

March 16 2021

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