
Launch event for: ESCAP-UNEP Report ‘SDG7 Localization: affordable and clean energy in ASEAN cities’ & REN21’s Renewables in Cities 2021 Global Status report


As of 2020, half of the population of the ASEAN region lives in urban areas. By 2025 it is expected that an additional 70 million people will move to cities. While the urban population in ASEAN has been growing by around 3 per cent annually between 1990 and 2015, the rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have been increasing at more than double that rate (6.1 per cent/year), driven, to a large extent, by the increase in urban energy consumption in transport and buildings. Therefore, the way cities in ASEAN are designed, planned, and managed will largely determine whether region’s economies and societies are transformed to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

ASEAN countries demonstrate a trend towards 'decentralization' of governance, which gives cities more autonomy in decision and policy making; and more freedom in developing their local action agendas. This, combined with the fact that most of the infrastructure in developing countries is yet to be built, presents an immense opportunity for taking an integrated and sustainable approach to urban energy and related investments, by linking subsystems like energy, transport, urban greenery, waste management, and buildings, offering synergies and efficiencies. However, the capacity of local governments to identify and prioritize sustainable energy solutions, evaluate how they can be optimized for achievement of SDG 7 and coordinate related efforts with the national government remains limited in ASEAN.


This workshop will bring together representatives of national and city governments, business and academic society to discuss good practices, trends and recent developments on sustainable energy in cities in ASEAN and other countries in Asia and the Pacific. The topic of SDG 7 localisation will be discussed in light of the role of cities in achievement of Agenda 2030, specifically Sustainable Development Goal 7 to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Two reports on the topic will be launched during this workshop: ESCAP-UNEP’s report on SDG7 Localization: affordable and clean energy in ASEAN cities and REN21’s Renewables in Cities 2021 Global Status report.

To participate at the event, please register here

May 18 2021

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