
Meet the team

Hosted by UN Environment, the secretariat supports the District Energy in Cities Initiative by:

  • Connecting partners with opportunities
  • Undertaking advocacy and communications work around district energy
  • Organizing meetings, study tours, workshops and trainings
  • Advising on technical aspects of sustainable heating and cooling projects as well as assessments, etc.

The Secretariat is located in Paris, France and has on the ground representation in China, Chile, Serbia, Thailand, Denmark, India and Panama.


Lily Riahi

Programme Manager and Global Lead, UNEP

Celia Martinez

Technical Coordinator Latin America and Africa, UNEP

Benjamin Hickman

Technical Coordinator for Eastern Europe and Asia, UNEP

Zhuolun Chen

Technical Expert, District Cooling, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency

Romanas Savickas

Technical Expert, District Heating, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency

Santiago Martinez Santaclara

Programme Associate, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency

Clara Camarasa

Postdoctoral Researcher, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency

Jorge Izquierdo Pérez

Programme Associate, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency

Syrine El Abed

Consultant, UNEP

Irene Fagotto

Outreach Consultant, UNEP

Secretariat – National Project Coordination

Pilar Lapuente Fuentes

National Technical Advisor, Chile

Rong Rong

National Technical Advisor, China Country Office

Aleksandra Siljic Tomic

National Technical Advisor, Europe Office

Rahul Agnihotri

National Coordinator, India

Qian Wang

National Coordinator, China

Regional Engagement

Gustavo Mañez Gomis

Regional Climate Change Coordinator, Latin America and the Caribbean Office

Sudhir Budhathoki Sharma

Senior Climate Change Advisor, Asia and the Pacific Office

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