Tackling heating and cooling in cities. What does it take?
The Sustainable Energy for All Forum is the landmark gathering celebrating the global sustainable energy movement.
Over 1,000 high-level representatives from government, business, civil society and international organizations will gather in New York City for the 3rd Sustainable Energy for All Forum – its theme “Going Further, Faster – Together.”
As part of the SEforAll platform, The District Energy in Cities Initiative organised a side event on TACKLING HEATING AND COOLING IN CITIES: WHAT DOES IT TAKE?, on April 3 at15h.
How can we heat and cool our cities without compromising air quality, climate goals, energy security, and affordability? Urban leaders are responding to this challenge by embracing modern district energy systems, enabling them to integrate local renewables and improve energy efficiency in the built environment.
The SEforALL ‘District Energy in Cities Initiative’, led by UN Environment in collaboration with 38 partners, is realizing a district energy project pipeline and associated policies across 33 cities and 7 countries. Join us in this session to meet with the governments of Chile and Belgrade, who will pitch their new policies and projects on district energy systems to technology providers, operators, and investors in the panel and the audience.
UN Environment and the Global Environment Facility invite new governments and partners to join this public-private partnership to accelerate investment i n district energy in their cities.